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'The Coventry I Remember', by Miss Miriam S. Garratt

I shall remember the city I love
Her tall spires gleaming, gold tipped above.
Godiva processions, the ancient fair,
And where the centuries met in Broadgate square.
With glittering windows of bright modern shops
And above on the skyline old mossy roof tops.
Peeping Tom staring at all who passed by
The great Market Clock, n'er telling a lie.

I shall remember the beauty of dawn
That shone on the wreck that November morn.
Gone the old buildings the pride of the city
And homes of the poor, O! Lord have pity.
Yet brave were the smiles that shone through the tears
Though night must come with horror and fears,
And still the proud spires looked up to the sky
Godiva's fair city could never die.

I shall remember the dear friends I knew
Who gave up their lives "True Coventry Blue"
And the sirens that screamed as they laid them to rest
In one long grave forever blessed.
Our great Cathedral, dim and all holy
With quiet sanctury and care for the lowly,
Where the spirits of those from ages passed
Did join in our prayers until the last.

I must remember 'ere Christ was dead
In pain and anguish still He said,
"Forgive them for they know not what they do"
And so on the day when our dreams come true,
When the last "All clear" has died away,
Let me remember Lord that I may pray,
My life for evermore shall worthier be
Of those who died for Coventry.

Miss Garratt wrote this poem shortly after the Blitz, with copies being sold locally and proceeds sent to help the people of the besieged Russian city of Stalingrad.

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'The Coventry I Remember', by Miss Miriam S. Garratt
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