Historic Coventry

History and record of updates to Historic Coventry

from 2022

July 2024
18th New article The Old Vicarage, Binley, by Anna Eddleston
12th Updated photo and additional Sir Giles Gilbert Scott drawing on the New Cathedral page

June 2024
23rd 1923 shows added to the Theatre archive
19th 1922 shows added to the Theatre archive
14th New article The Ira Aldridge Trail, by Simon Shaw
4th  1921 shows added to the Theatre archive

May 2024
30th Placement improvement and streets added to older street maps
23rd 1919 and 1920 shows added to the Theatre archive
21st 1918 shows added to the Theatre archive
20th 1917 shows added to the Theatre archive
15th New photo mystery - Coventry Assistants' Cricket Club, 1905 Season
14th 1915 and 1916 shows added to the Theatre archive
4th  1914 shows added to the Theatre archive

April 2024
26th New Google map to show locations of significant Coventry buildings - linked from each Tour landmark
22nd Fixed bug on the Forum which prevented adding multiple images to a new topic
16th Fixes to the City Wall on Google map to improve interaction on 'phones and touch-screens
14th Many previously non-mapped locations added to the Now and Then Google map
13th Clicking the camera link on a Now and Then page will now take you to its zoomed in location on the map
13th Nice camera shape for Now and Then Google map
12th New zoomable Google map for more accurate Now and Then locations
8th  Updated photograph on the Priory Street, upper end Now and Then page
8th  1913 shows added to the Theatre archive
2nd  Improvements in accuracy of Cheylesmore and Little Park gates on the City Wall on modern Coventry map

March 2024
31st Improvements in accuracy of Bishop Gate and Gosford Gate on the City Wall on modern Coventry map
27th Added air-raid statistics about the  Easter 1941 raids
24th Scalable Google Map used to replace hand-drawn map of City Wall on modern Coventry
10th Additional people and information added to the Blitz Victims list
7th  1912 shows added to the Theatre archive

February 2024
26th Upgraded Forum MySQL code to deal with impending changes
19th 1910 and 1911 shows added to the Theatre archive
10th Searches on Steve's site now also find results in HC and the Stoke website
10th 56 more images added to Rob's Pics image collection
7th  HC searches now also find results in the Stoke website and Steve's site

January 2024
31st 1909 shows added to the Theatre archive
9th  1907 and 1908 shows added to the Theatre archive
9th  More ticket and programme illustrations kindly donated for the Theatre archive
8th  Automatic credits added for illustrations in the Theatre archive
3rd  Circus and theatre shows for the 'Tin Hippodrome' from 1884 to 1906 added to the Theatre archive

^ 2024 ^

December 2023
9th  Correction to the Mayors list

November 2023
20th A blitz article about P. C. Rollins, who died a hero
19th More kind donations of programmes added to illutrate the Theatre archive for 1944, '46, '47, '46 & '64
31st Another super article by Damien Kimberley: The Brough-Superior, Made in Nottingham, but conceived in Coventry?

October 2023
31st New article D-Day and Monty's Staff Car, by Paul Maddocks

September 2023
23rd Update by John Curran on the Courthouse Green School photo-mystery page
15th New memories page - Memoirs of Stoneleigh Abbey, by Catherine Binns

August 2023
31st Family photographs to some of the Blitz Victims

July 2023
16th The Coventry Cross page updated with photos of the newly unvelied replica Cross
12th Final two years of shows added to the Theatre archive (a particularly sad task)
10th Additional information about The Apollo added to the New Hippodrome now and then page
10th Additional shows added to the Theatre archive
9th  More missing shows added in the Theatre archive
6th  More programme and ticket scans added for shows in the Theatre archive

May 2023
25th Larger navigation menus with arrows on all Historic Coventry page footers
1st  Improved search now shows title results first

April 2023
28th Christine Boylan adds her story to the Wallace Pub VE Party photo
27th New article WW1 and Wyley of Charterhouse, by Paul Maddocks, by Paul Maddocks
26th New article The Tapestry and its Hidden Secret, by Paul Maddocks
20th All old maps now automatically show the Google map equivalent location on the Pub history website
18th 1851 maps now automatically show the Google map equivalent location on the Pub history website
9th  Improved family tree viewer with pan and zoom

March 2023
30th Nicer looking buttons on the Forum
26th Fixed bugs in the Forum search
20th Tightened anti-hacking security for the Forum and HC

January 2023
20th Fixed and improved the look of the Forum statistical charts

^ 2023 ^

December 2022
12th Cursor now remains correctly in place after entering smilies or text styles on the Forum

November 2022
23rd Pressing the "Esc" key now returns to the image list when viewing an picture in Rob's Pics image collection
21st Unnessary "instructional" script automatically removed when adding embedded images to the forum
13th A history of Coventry Cross replicas added to the Coventry Cross page
9th  New article The Phil Silvers Archival Museum, by Paul Maddocks
9th  New article Transport Museum pt.6 - The Royal Cars, by Paul Maddocks
7th  New article Transport Museum pt.5 - The 1987 F.A. Cup Winners' Sky Blue Bus, by Paul Maddocks

October 2022
23rd New article What links R2D2 to a Coventry Hydrogen/Electric cab company?, by Paul Maddocks
18th New article Coventry's Land Speed Record Cars in the Transport Museum, by Paul Maddocks
17th New article Transport Museum's New Hales Street Entrance, by Paul Maddocks
10th New memories page for the Stoke website GEC Apprentice Association outings from Leigh Belcham

September 2022
30th New article What links a Spitfire's landing gear to a baby buggy?, by Paul Maddocks
22nd New article Creating the Blitz Experience in the Transport Museum, by Paul Maddocks
19th New article Queen's 1977 visit sowed the seed for the Transport Museum, by Paul Maddocks
8th  New article The sound that almost killed my Dad in the War!, by Paul Maddocks
6th  New article about Whitefriars Gatehouse and Toy Museum, by Paul Maddocks

August 2022
28th New memories page Coventry Zoo and the Hippo attack, by Paul Maddocks
15th Updated photograph on the Cheylesmore Manor House Now and Then page

July 2022
4th  Judith Franks adds a little more to the Wallace Road VE Party photo
2nd  Historic Stoke website made public

June 2022
21st Adam Wood added to the Local Authors page
18th Forum 'likes' can now be viewed on a touch-screen device by touching the number
16th Picture selection on the Forum jigsaw puzzle now opens in a separate page for faster loading
16th Forum jigsaw puzzle page rearranged with adjacent reference picture for wider screens
5th  Cosmetic tweaks made to the site
3rd  New, larger photographs on the Far Gosford Street Now and Then page

May 2022
10th New, larger photographs on the Greyfriars Lane Now and Then page
10th New, larger photographs on the High Street from Broadgate Now and Then page
9th  Extra photographs on the Council House Now and Then page
9th  New, larger photographs on the Greyfriars Lane Now and Then page
9th  New, larger photographs on the Cheylesmore Manor House Now and Then page
9th  New, larger photographs on the Christ Church House Tour page
8th  Updated photographs of Cheylesmore Manor House
6th  14 more postcard images added to Rob's Pics image collection

April 2022
26th Updated and larger photograph on the Coat of Arms Bridge Now and Then page
11th On the Forum emoticon shortcuts such :-)  ;-) are now automatically turned into emoticons
4th  Updated and larger photographs on the The Herbert Now and Then page
4th  Updated photograph on the Jordan Well Now and Then page
4th  Updated and larger photographs on the St. Michael's Avenue Now and Then page
2nd  New "Engraved Coventry" page for the Courtyard of Ford's Hospital
2nd  Updated and larger photograph of Ford's Hospital in the tour section
1st  Updated and larger photographs on the Ford's Hospital Now and Then page

March 2022
31st New article by Damien Kimberley: The Great Flood of December 1900, and the lost Bridges
28th Improved "large image viewer", used on many pages
11th New forum member article: Mapping Coventry: The drawings of Dr. Nathaniel Troughton, by Vida Milovanovic
6th  Pages of the Online Books can now be navigated with Left-Right arrows

February 2022
18th Forum Main and Topic indexes can now be navigated by keyboard arrows
8th  Forum topic categories now navigate alphabetically correctly
1st  Minor addition to the Forum admin system

January 2022
31st Minor improvement to the Forum mail system
28th Member-edited posts on the Forum no longer display an "Edited" tag
28th Members' profile images on the Forum can now be edited or deleted
27th Further improvements to the Forum mail system
25th New memories page Bombers over our Radford Streets, by Jerry Bird
25th Page title logos given transparency on Historic Coventry
25th Image verification improved on the Forum gallery
23rd Several improvements to administration for the Forum gallery
18th Further improvements to the Forum mail system
17th Improvement and bug-fix for the Forum Favourites
17th Improvements to the Forum mail system

^ 2022 ^

Updates from 2022 to present
Updates from 2015 to 2021
Updates from 2012 to 2014
Updates from 2009 to 2011
Updates from 2006 to 2008
Updates from 2002 to 2005

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Website by Rob Orland © 2002 to 2024