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Arts School, Ford Street
Bishop Street Post Office
Bishop Street, looking north
Bishop Street, looking south
Blue Coat School & ruins
Broadgate from Hertford Street
Broadgate from Holy Trinity Church
Burges from Bishop Street
Burges from Cross Cheaping
Burton's in Blitzed Broadgate
Butcher Row, Great
Butcher Row, Little
Cheylesmore Manor House
Coat of Arms Bridge
Cook Street gate
Council House
Cox Street
Far Gosford Street
Fire Station, Hales Street
Fleet Street
Ford's Hospital
Golden Cross & Pepper Lane
Greyfriars Lane
The Grove
Guildhall & 22 Bayley Lane
Hales Street
Hales Street to Corporation Street
Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Hertford Street
Hertford Street from Broadgate
High Street aerial view
High Street from Broadgate
High Street from Earl Street
Hill Street, Bablake & Bond's
Hippodrome, New
Hippodrome, Old
Humber Motor Works
Ironmonger Row
Jordan Well & Earl Street
Jordan Well & Gosford Street
Kenilworth Road
Leamington Road
Much Park Street
Naul's Mill Park
Old Rope Walk
Opera House, Hales Street
Palace Yard
Pool Meadow from Priory Street
Precinct & Old Coventry aerial view
Precinct, upper
Precinct, west view
Priory Row
Priory Street, lower end
Priory Street, upper end
Queen Victoria Road flood of 1900
Railway Station - the platform
Railway Station, Eaton Road
Smithford Way
Spon End arches
Spon Street flood of 1900
St. John's Church, Fleet Street
St. Michael's Avenue
St. Michael's ruins
St. Michael's spire from Pepper Lane
Stoke Green & Pool
Swanswell Gate
Swanswell Pool
Swimming Baths, Priory Street
Trinity Church aerial view
Trinity Lane & the Free Library
Trinity Lane from Priory Row
Trinity Street aerial view
Trinity Street from Broadgate
Trinity Street from Hales Street
War Memorial Park
Warwick Road
Warwick Row, Hertford St & Warwick Lane
Well Street from Hales Street
West Orchard
Wheatley Street Schools

Jordan Well & Earl Street

Camera No. 58

Here's a view that will be quite familiar, not only to the majority of Coventry dwellers, but many students too. Just out of shot on the left is what used to be the frontage to a cinema, previously the Gaumont from when it was built in 1931, then the Odeon from 1967. Since 1998 it has been owned by Coventry University, and is now known as the Ellen Terry Building. On the other side of the street is a relatively new building known as "The Hub", a centre of student campus life, and in the background, The Herbert. Apart from the trail of students going into town, and the few visitors to The Herbert art gallery, this isn't a street where one would expect to see masses of people.

if you wish to see the images separately.

One click on the image and.... what a difference a few decades make! Back in the 1920s Jordan Well was a thriving shopping street, clean and uniform looking and bustling with activity - and yet each of the premises were individual and inviting. What's even more sad about the loss of this particular scene, is that despite the wartime bombing, most of these shops survived, as this photo in the blitz section testifies. The heaviest damage was at the far end, in Earl Street. Just across the road on the right, next to Tansley's bicycle shop, is Freeth Street, which disappeared altogether after the redevelopment.

One small change noticeable now (2022), that's occurred since I last updated this page in 2015, is the removal of the copper-clad bridge that had linked the Council House with offices across the road since the 1970s. This took place on 9th April 2017 and was generally considered a good move, restoring the cleaner look of the building.

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Website by Rob Orland © 2002 to 2025