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Coventry's Historical Timeline

To put our local history into some sort of perspective, here's a timeline showing many of the significant events in Coventry's history. England's reigning monarchs plus a few relevant national events are shown in the white boxes. In the lower half are dates when our most important historical structures were built.

924 Athelstan
939 Edmund
the Magnificent
946 Edred
Edwy the Fair
959 Edgar the Peaceable
975 Edward the Martyr
978-1016 Ethelred
the Unready
1013 Sweyn
(A few weeks)
1016 Edmund
Ironside (7m.)
1016 Canute
1035 Harold I
1042 Edward
the Confessor
Earl Leofric died
1066 Harold II
(9 months)
1066 William I
Norman Conquest
Godiva died
1086 Domesday book
1087 William II
c1095 Coventry's first
Bishop Robert De Limesey
1100 Henry I
1143 Earl Marmion
fortifies the Priory
against Ranulf,
Earl of Chester
1154 Henry II
1182 Charter by
Henry II
1189 Richard I
1199 King John
1216 Henry III
1250 Prior takes control
of Coventry
1272 Edward I
Edward II
Edward III
Richard II
1404 "Parliamentum Indoctorum"
held at Coventry Priory
Henry IV
1413 Henry V
1422 Henry VI
1451 Coventry made
a County by Henry VI
Wars - of - the - Roses
1456 to 1459 Coventry, occasional home to Parliament under Henry VI
Edward IV
1469 Henry VI
1483 (April-June) Edward V
1483 Richard III
1485 Henry VII
Henry VIII
1538/39 Monasteries dissolved
1547 Edward VI
1553 Mary I
1558 Elizabeth I
1565 Elizabeth I stays
at Whitefriars
1569 Mary Queen of Scots
held in Coventry
James I
1605 Princess Elizabeth moved
from Coombe to Palace Yard
in Coventry as the Gunpowder
Plot gets underway.
1617 King James I visits,
and stays at Whitefriars.
Charles I
Aug. 1642 Charles I's
army repelled by the
people of Coventry.
1642 English Civil War
1660 Charles II
James II
1687 King James II visits,
and stays at Palace Yard.
William III
& Mary II
Queen Ann
1714 George I
1727 George II
1727 First mention of the watch-
making trade in Coventry.
1760 George III
1801 Whitefriars' used
as a Workhouse
1820 George IV
1830 William IV
1837 Queen Victoria
1861 James Starley arrives.
The bicycle industry will soon
take over from the struggling
watch trade.
1896 The fledgling motor-car
industry comes to Coventry.
1901 Edward VII
1910 George V
1914-18 WWI
1918 St. Michael's church is
elevated to 'cathedral' status.
1936 (Jan - Dec)
Edward VIII
1936 George VI
1939-45 WWII
1940 14th Nov. The Blitz.
1952 Elizabeth II
1987 16th May - Coventry
City win the F.A. Cup!
c700 Possible founding
of St. Osburga's Nunnery


11th Century
1016 St. Osburga's
nunnery sacked by
Edric the Traitor
1043 Leofric & Godiva
endowed the monastery
in Coventry

12th Century
c1102 Started building new
St. Mary's Priory Cathedral
c1138 St. Michael's
Chapel first mentioned
c1113 Holy Trinity
Chapel first mentioned

13th Century
c1225 Completed
St. Mary's Cathedral
early 1200s Greyfriars'
arrived in Coventry

14th Century
1342 Start of Building
St. Mary's Guildhall
1342 Whitefriars
Monastery founded
1344 St. John's
church founded
1355 Start of building
the City Wall
1373 to 1394 Building of St.
Michael's Tower

15th Century
c1433 Started building
St. Michael's Spire

16th Century
1506 Bond's Hospital founded
1509 Ford's Hospital founded
1560 Bablake School
in Hill St. founded
1534 Finished re-routing
the City Wall
1545 Demolition of
St. Mary's Priory begins

17th Century
1662 City Wall

18th Century
1714 Blue Coat School founded.

19th Century
1783 County Hall built
1830 Greyfriars' church
rebuilt as Christ Church
1793 Coventry Barracks built.

20th Century
1885 King Henry VIII School
moves to Warwick Road.
1890 Bablake School
moves to Coundon Road.
1935-37 Butcher Row & Ironmonger
etc. demolished to build Trinity St.
1948 22nd May
Broadgate opened.
1949 22nd Oct.
Godiva statue unveiled.
1962 25th May
New Cathedral Consecrated

21st Century
2000 Phoenix Initiative:
St. Mary's Priory excavated
& Millennium Place built, etc.
2017 7th Dec - Coventry
chosen to be the UK
City of Culture for 2021

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