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Arts School, Ford Street
Bishop Street Post Office
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Broadgate from Hertford Street
Broadgate from Holy Trinity Church
Burges from Bishop Street
Burges from Cross Cheaping
Burton's in Blitzed Broadgate
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Butcher Row, Little
Cheylesmore Manor House
Coat of Arms Bridge
Cook Street gate
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High Street aerial view
High Street from Broadgate
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Hill Street, Bablake & Bond's
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Humber Motor Works
Ironmonger Row
Jordan Well & Earl Street
Jordan Well & Gosford Street
Kenilworth Road
Leamington Road
Much Park Street
Naul's Mill Park
Old Rope Walk
Opera House, Hales Street
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Pool Meadow from Priory Street
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Priory Row
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Queen Victoria Road flood of 1900
Railway Station - the platform
Railway Station, Eaton Road
Smithford Way
Spon End arches
Spon Street flood of 1900
St. John's Church, Fleet Street
St. Michael's Avenue
St. Michael's ruins
St. Michael's spire from Pepper Lane
Stoke Green & Pool
Swanswell Gate
Swanswell Pool
Swimming Baths, Priory Street
Trinity Church aerial view
Trinity Lane & the Free Library
Trinity Lane from Priory Row
Trinity Street aerial view
Trinity Street from Broadgate
Trinity Street from Hales Street
War Memorial Park
Warwick Road
Warwick Row, Hertford St & Warwick Lane
Well Street from Hales Street
West Orchard
Wheatley Street Schools

Hertford Street

Camera No. 12

Again we see an old photograph of a Coventry street which is not at all recognisable to present day visitors. Here in 1914 Hertford Street was a busy shopping street carrying traffic - although generally not the sort of traffic we expect nowadays - horses and carts would still have outnumbered the newly invented motor vehicles!

if you wish to see the images separately.

One click on the image and we can see that in 2022 little remains to compare with the view a century earlier. The spire of Holy Trinity and a few of the buildings on the right did survive the wartime bombing, but their modern facades disguise their original appearance. Since 1969, when Hertford Street was pedestrianised, there's been little chance of being run over by any kind of vehicle, horse drawn or otherwise.

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Website by Rob Orland © 2002 to 2025