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Arts School, Ford Street
Bishop Street Post Office
Bishop Street, looking north
Bishop Street, looking south
Blue Coat School & ruins
Broadgate from Hertford Street
Broadgate from Holy Trinity Church
Burges from Bishop Street
Burges from Cross Cheaping
Burton's in Blitzed Broadgate
Butcher Row, Great
Butcher Row, Little
Cheylesmore Manor House
Coat of Arms Bridge
Cook Street gate
Council House
Cox Street
Far Gosford Street
Fire Station, Hales Street
Fleet Street
Ford's Hospital
Golden Cross & Pepper Lane
Greyfriars Lane
The Grove
Guildhall & 22 Bayley Lane
Hales Street
Hales Street to Corporation Street
Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Hertford Street
Hertford Street from Broadgate
High Street aerial view
High Street from Broadgate
High Street from Earl Street
Hill Street, Bablake & Bond's
Hippodrome, New
Hippodrome, Old
Humber Motor Works
Ironmonger Row
Jordan Well & Earl Street
Jordan Well & Gosford Street
Kenilworth Road
Leamington Road
Much Park Street
Naul's Mill Park
Old Rope Walk
Opera House, Hales Street
Palace Yard
Pool Meadow from Priory Street
Precinct & Old Coventry aerial view
Precinct, upper
Precinct, west view
Priory Row
Priory Street, lower end
Priory Street, upper end
Queen Victoria Road flood of 1900
Railway Station - the platform
Railway Station, Eaton Road
Smithford Way
Spon End arches
Spon Street flood of 1900
St. John's Church, Fleet Street
St. Michael's Avenue
St. Michael's ruins
St. Michael's spire from Pepper Lane
Stoke Green & Pool
Swanswell Gate
Swanswell Pool
Swimming Baths, Priory Street
Trinity Church aerial view
Trinity Lane & the Free Library
Trinity Lane from Priory Row
Trinity Street aerial view
Trinity Street from Broadgate
Trinity Street from Hales Street
War Memorial Park
Warwick Road
Warwick Row, Hertford St & Warwick Lane
Well Street from Hales Street
West Orchard
Wheatley Street Schools

Precinct & Old Coventry aerial view

Camera No. 1

As you may have already noticed, hovering the mouse cursor over the photograph below will substitute a view of 1930 Coventry with a modern day photo of the precinct area taken from the same place - the tower of St. Michael's. I have managed to match the scale of the two images so that they perfectly overlay.

Coventry Aerial view
If the overlaid photographs do not show correctly, or if you wish to see them separately, please

You might note two of the only recognisable features common to both views - the tower of St. John's church just to the right of centre, near the top edge of the photo.... and the distant spire of St. Osburg's church in the top right corner. (Both show more vividly in the older black and white picture.) Quickly alternating the two views will clearly show the relative positions of the buildings.
With the exception of the two above mentioned buildings, there appears to be nothing left of pre-war Coventry centre on the west side of Broadgate which before 1940 was simply a wide road but now is recognised as an enlarged rectangular area encompassing the Cathedral Lanes shopping centre.
In the 1930 shot, the line of Smithford Street can just be made out running from half way up the left side of the photo towards St. John's church. Symmetrically to this on the right hand side of the photo can be seen the line of buildings forming West Orchard which until WW2 was of course, a street. Now it is represented by another shopping complex constructed in the late 1980s.
In the top left corner, the huge factory dominating the view in 1930 was the Rudge Motorcycle works. After the war, GEC became the new owners but despite the factory becoming a listed building on account of it being the first steel framed construction of its size in the country, it was demolished in the early 1990s to make way for the SkyDome which can be seen in the modern view.
Just to the right of the picture's centre is the 100 foot tall Market Clock Tower with Market Place leading up to it. Remarkably, the tower survived the wartime blitz but was left neglected and later demolished - the excuse being that it didn't fit in with the "modern" plans for the pedestrianised precinct. The famously accurate clock movement in the tower was saved however and is now installed in the Godiva Clock in Broadgate.

To see a stage-by-stage view of how the original town centre changed from pre-war - to post-blitz ruin - to new precinct and Broadgate - to 21st century, select a year below:

Coventry Aerial view

1930 - 1941 - 1974 - 2003

If the overlaid photographs do not show correctly, or if you wish to see them separately, please

Colin Barnes has kindly sent me a lovely view of Broadgate Garden Island from around 1982. To see this photo and indulge in a spot of nostalgia, try this Broadgate Special page.

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Website by Rob Orland © 2002 to 2025