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The 12 Gates of our Town Wall

Cook Street Gate - Drawing by Frank Robson c1900

Beginning near Pool Meadow and moving anticlockwise around Coventry, the twelve gates were:

Although the demolition date has not been recorded for every gate, in 1810 William Reader stated that Bastille gate (Mill Lane), plus the still extant Swanswell and Cook Street gates, were the only ones remaining. It seems quite likely, however, that the two minor gates of Well Street and Hill Street were at least partly demolished along with the slighting of the wall in 1662. Cheylesmore gate is the only major one that I cannot yet find a demolition date for.

See the 1610 map of Coventry to find out how the wall and gates were arranged. In this modern day map you can see the exact course that the wall would have taken had it still been standing today. I have highlighted the surviving sections of the wall in red and linked each of them to the relevant parts in this section so that you can easily locate the remains for yourselves using the photographs.

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