Historic Coventry

History and record of updates to Historic Coventry

from 2006 - 2008

View updates from: 2022 to present | 2015-21 | 2012-14 | 2009-11 | 2006-08 | 2002-05


December 2008
28th A second, smaller, Crossword added for those with less time!
23rd Better sorting applied to the Quiz results page
23rd Improvements made, and timer added to the Crossword
20th Crossword added to the site

November 2008
21st More information added to the Church Lads' Brigade 'mystery' page
20th Another mystery to solve... the Church Lads' Brigade
16th Three photographic mysteries possibly solved - Alfred Heath, Lena Conway & Godiva Harriers
14th A suggestion to possibly solve the mystery of Bus Driver, Alfred Heath
12th Added a Sky Blue quiz
11th Made improved "multi-selection" quiz page

October 2008
19th Two more history articles added - Fire Brigade 1861 & Public Bath plans 1896
15th Photos added to Simon Shaw's 1939 bombing article
14th New Section - History Articles begun - starting with Simon Shaw & J. B. Shelton MBE
12th New page of World War Two memories by James Hill

September 2008
21st Improved side-menu with drop-outs
16th Improved Audio player added to Main page for playing Radio 4 clip
9th  Visitors now able to submit their own Book Reviews

August 2008
25th Book Reviews section added

July 2008
30th 1953 Hippodrome postcard added
13th Converted site to XHTML standard
4th  Made home page & main page validate to XHTML 'Transitional'
4th  Information about Munition Cottages added to the Postcard page

June 2008
30th New music player embedded into my 'Personal' page for playing my own compositions.
27th Basil Spence's 1951 cathedral sketch added to the New Cathedral section
27th Nice at Coventry this Easter postcard added
13th Designed new 'Dropped Capitals' for all pages

May 2008
27th New montage on Steve's Home Page - https://steve.historiccoventry.co.uk/
26th Replaced all Page Counters with my own, which only counts each visitor once per day
16th Hill St images added to the 1939 "Time Machine"
16th High St, Trinity La, Pool Meadow, Old Swimming Baths & Hertford St images added to the 1910 "Time Machine"
9th  New 'Now and Then' page showing Pool Meadow in 1911

April 2008
4th  Updated photo for Sherbourne near Gosford Street
4th  Coventry Cathedral Floor Plan included
1st  Scale added to all Maps

March 2008
16th More memories - Band life with Derick Parsons
14th Another Photo Mystery to work out - Where is Lena Conway?
8th  New "now and then" page added - Stoke Pool and Green
8th  Page contents header added to the Conspiracies and myths Blitz page
7th  A little more detail added to the Defending Coventry Blitz page

February 2008
18th Possible new information regarding the pub in the "horse-drawn outing" photo mystery
2nd  Photographs of Wyken added to Alan Edgson's memories page

January 2008
24th Quizzes run from a database - scores can now be sorted 'Latest at the Top'
13th The wartime memories of Alan Edgson added to the site
7th  Another photographic mystery to solve - Bus Driver, Alfred Heath
6th  Possible solving of the Robins & Son Did you shop here? photo mystery
3rd  Improvement made to searchability of PRINTS on the 'Buy Prints' website

^ 2008 ^

December 2007
31st New Photo-Mystery - "Did you shop here?"
31st Improvement made to "SEARCH DATABASE" on the 'Buy Prints' website
24th New "SEARCH DATABASE" developed for the 'Buy Prints' part of the website
6th  List of Coventry's Mayors added to the History Section

November 2007
22nd The wartime and working memories of Mike Fitzpatrick added to the website
21st Godiva Harriers mystery venue on the "Photo mysteries" section
15th Two more Postcards from Coventry drop through the letterbox
15th Another ball set rolling in the "Photo mysteries" section
11th New photos and information on the River Sherbourne page
10th Further information on the "horse-drawn outing" Photo Mystery page
9th  Successful conclusion to the Leamington Ales "Photo Mystery"
3rd  Two more postcards added to A Postcard from Coventry
1st  Jo Shepherd's family added to the Memories page

October 2007
31st A-Z page removed - not necessary with 'Search box' available on each page
31st Further update to the horse-drawn outing page of the Photo mysteries section
30th More postcards added to A Postcard from Coventry
26th New section added - A Postcard from Coventry
22nd Baptistery Window photograph replaced in the New Cathedral section
10th Fade effect added to enhance two Now and Then photos - Spon Street and Fleet Street
10th Another 360 Panoramic view added showing Bayley Lane, Pepper Lane, Cuckoo Lane and Hay Lane.
5th  360 Panoramic view of Coventry Cathedral Interior added.
3rd  Scan of original 1860 photograph added to Broadgate Special page 2

September 2007
24th Page 14 added to the Blitz section - Other raids - and more items add to Conspiracies and myths
23rd Updates and additions made to the Statsistics and Conspiracies and myths pages in the Blitz section
21st Two extra "now and then" photos added to the Warwick Row to Hertford St - Warwick Lane page
21st Updated postcard photo on the Trinity Lane from Priory Row Now and Then page
20th Jordan Well in the 1920s added to the Now and Then section
18th New section added - COVENTRY'S BLITZ
15th New "now and then" photos on the Hertford St - Warwick Lane page
10th Some clues added by Barry Page to the Leamington Ales Photo mysteries page

August 2007
19th More background about 'St. Michael & the Devil' and 'West Window', plus one more photo added to the New Cathedral section
19th A little history of Wheatley Street Schools added to the Now and Then section
17th 1957 photograph of the Unknown Ruin added to the Tour section

July 2007
20th Updated information added to the "horse-drawn outing" page of the Photo mysteries
15th New section added - PHOTO MYSTERIES - where you're invited to identify old photos
13th Maps made to fade from one year to another

June 2007
22nd Many Now and Then pages updated with 'fade' effects for the rollover photos

May 2007
27th Coventry Cross added to appropriate maps
26th New page added to the Tour - Coventry Cross
26th New close-up photo of William Shakespeare sculpture added to the Guildhall page
20th General text-links underlined for clarity
15th Added an estimated construction of a 1225 map
14th More corrections made to various maps
13th All maps corrected for scale, and streets added in the west
7th  A photo and a little more information included on the Old Grammar School page

April 2007
29th Added another "Time Machine" - 1950s
25th William Shakespeare's Coventry performances added to the Guildhall page
23rd Priory Row, Guildhall & St. Michael's views added to the 1910 "Time Machine"
23rd Trinity Street looking towards Hippodrome photo added to the 1939 "Time Machine"
22nd Information about Coventry's Castle added to the History page
21st Timeline category added to the Main Page Link Map
20th All photos replaced on the Cox Street page of the City Wall section
20th Added a 'Free Image Download' page to the 'Prints' website
14th Bob Wildman's memories of Eric Over's family added to the Memories page
14th Added photos and information about the carved ceiling to the Guildhall page
14th Updated 'St. Michael & the Devil' and 'West Window' photos in the New Cathedral section
9th  Rounded button effect added to side menus
1st  Trinity Street & Hales Street Now and Then page expanded with two more photos

March 2007
19th Timeline page added
19th Corrections made to the Guildhall page
17th New side-menu system created to avoid scrolling down for links
4th  Broadgate viewed from Holy Trinity Church added to Now and Then
4th  Trinity Street & Hales Street added to Now and Then
4th  New Now and Then page 3 added to Steven's website

February 2007
19th Minor corrections to the History page
11th Some IE7 bugs "worked around"
5th  Memories of Barry Page added to the "Your Memories" section

January 2007
24th Re-organised the Web Links page

^ 2007 ^

December 2006
31st Reorganised the Guest Book and Web Links pages
23rd More information about John Hales added to the Whitefriars page
17th Queen Victoria Road added to Now and Then
17th Fleet Street added to Now and Then
13th Two more views of Broadgate added to the Broadgate Special page
12th The whole of the City Wall section revised and separated into 11 pages
10th Improved the Coat of Arms logos on Homepage and all page headers

November 2006
15th Added a second set of difficult questions for Quiz 2
12th Another photo added to Basil Spence's page of the New Cathedral section
12th Memories of Burt West added to the "Your Memories" section
5th  New pictures and changes to the City Wall page 1
5th  Added new photos to several Tour pages
4th  Updated the 'Prints' site for easier ordering process

October 2006
29th Corrected and updated the Site Map
21st Made the Main Page Link Map a bit more colourful
21st Added a link to the 'Lighting the Darkness' website on the River Sherbourne page
17th New Street into St. Michael's Avenue photo added to the 1910 "Time Machine"
15th Memories of Lizzie Tomlinson added to the "Your Memories" section
11th Added a Quiz Results page to Mandy's website
9th  Added a Quiz Results page to Steve's website
7th  Added a Quiz Results page
3rd  More advanced 20 question quiz added to Historic Coventry

September 2006
30th Added a 10 question quiz to Mandy's website
28th Added a 10 question quiz to Steven's website
25th Started to develop a Historic Coventry Quiz
24th Sorted this page by "most recent at the top" for convenience
20th Updated information on statue in the St. Mary's Cathedral section
17th New photo and information added for Bablake School in the Tour section
15th Removed "Change Style" option page which was little used
14th Fords Hospital page updated with Doctor Who link, and link removed from Main Page
8th  Information updated on the Holy Trinity Church page
7th  A little bit more information added to City Wall page 1
2nd  Standardised the Doctor Who page

August 2006
28th Doctor Who page added showing shots from filming in Coventry
20th New introduction for the City Wall pages
16th Revised and tarted up the Home Page a bit!
14th Altered 'Prints' site so all photos share a common PHP page
5th  Changed the remainder of website to use PHP code.
3rd  Changed all Virtual Tour pages to PHP with includes
3rd  Changed all Post-war pages to PHP with includes

July 2006
30th Re-did photo pair on Butcher Row Now and Then page
14th Renamed the Virtual Tour to "Time Machine"
7th  1910 Virtual Tour added
2nd  Replaced the standard Internet Explorer "Error 404" page with my own customised explanation
2nd  Added a robots.txt page

June 2006
26th New section added - Pre-War Tour
21st Update made to Priory Street Swimming Baths Now and Then page
14th Update on the well on the Broadgate Now and Then page
14th Registered all pages with ICRA - No harmful content contained anywhere on this website (ICRA has since disbanded)
11th New views of St. Michael's Avenue add to Now and Then
10th Hampton Lucy photo added to Old Cathedral Stained Glass page
7th  More Now & Then photos added - Memorial Park, The Grove & Wheatley Street Schools
7th  Two "now & then" photos of Hertford Street added to Steven's website.

May 2006
29th 1948 model of the Precinct added to the Post-war section
29th Replaced Cook St gate photos on Now and Then page
28th Link to www.cbrd.co.uk added to the Post-war section
20th Construction diagram for the Inner Ring Road added to the Post-war section
12th Speculation about St. Mary's spires plus photo of Wells' Cathedral added to St. Mary's Priory page
11th Footnotes showing sources included on the History page
7th  Added archived versions of Historic Coventry from 2002
6th  Better photo of Old Council Chamber added to Guildhall page
5th  Split Broadgate pages into separate subjects
4th  Basil Spence given his own page in the New Cathedral section
4th  New aerial photo of St. Michael's Church on Old Cathedral page
1st  Added the River Sherbourne to the Tour section

April 2006
27th Corrections made to Now and Then pages of St. John's church and Hill Street
16th Architect's drawing of proposed campanile for St. Michael's added to the Old Cathedral page
16th Aerial Photo of Chapel of Unity added to the New Cathedral page
16th Photo of Bishop Huyshe Wolcott Yeatman-Biggs added to the Old Cathedral page
15th Trinity Lane picture added to Now and Then
5th  Split St. Mary's Cathedral page into seperate pages for each subject
5th  Split New Cathedral page into seperate pages for each subject
5th  Split Old Cathedral page into seperate pages for each subject
1st  Split all Memories pages into a seperate page for each subject

March 2006
31st Split all Post-war pages into a seperate page for each subject
31st Split all Tour pages into a seperate page for each subject
29th Split all Now and Then pages into a seperate page for each subject
16th Top menus improved & standardised
16th A new Now and Then page 11 added
12th Your Memories page added - Brian and Jeanne Richards

February 2006
26th Added "Alt text" to remaining pages for better Accessibility and HTML Validation
19th Added "Alt text" to Now and Then pages for better Accessibility
19th Added Doc Type header to all pages for site validation
15th More about the Cross of Nails on the Old Cathedral page
13th Corrections made on the History page
13th Information about Mary Queen of Scots added to Tour page 4
13th Information added / corrected on the Old Cathedral page
12th Coventry Barracks added to the 1807, 1851 & 1900 maps
10th Corrected some style errors and improved some links

January 2006
30th Added Coat of Arms Bridge Road photos to Now and Then page & Memories page
29th Replaced all Tour menus with "IFRAMES" and made them alphabetical.
28th Martyrs Memorial added to Steven's Now and Then page
27th Added the Ford Street Arts School to Now and Then
27th Added "The Herbert" to Now and Then page
27th Replaced all Now & Then menus with "IFRAMES" and made them alphabetical.
25th Bluecoat School added to Steven's Now and Then page
22nd Corrections and alterations to Sent to Coventry and Godiva on the History page.
10th Alteration to map of known original path of City Wall
9th  Replaced all side menus with "IFRAMES" for easy replication

^ 2006 ^

View updates from: 2022 to present | 2015-21 | 2012-14 | 2009-11 | 2006-08 | 2002-05

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Website by Rob Orland © 2002 to 2025