------------ 2014 ------------ December 2014 19th Two new history videos by David McGrory explaining the Blitz 13th New history aricle The First Tudor Feast by Richard Ball 11th New history aricle Coventry's rich heritage by Pete Walters November 2014 28th Update to the Linnett family at work, church and play page in the photo mysteries section 4th Another super set of photos to view and solve in the Photo mysteries section 2nd Pop-up window provided to make adding links easier on the forum October 2014 30th Another view of the Leamington Road added to the Now and Then section 30th Members' images on the forum now appear with the most recently uploaded at the top of the list for ease of locating 19th Two more Mosquito chaps identified in the wartime photos mystery 17th Webster Street recognised as the mystery street on the Keresley mystery group photos page September 2014 13th Another lovely privately owned Edwin Brown painting added to the Victorian Animal Artist article 8th Updated the Bishop Street now and then photo pair 8th Updated the Little Butcher Row now and then photo pair 8th Updated the West Orchard now and then photo pair 8th The forum now has all topic-categories listed for convenience down the left hand side 7th Mark Waring has identified his grandfather at a VE day party in Conrad Road, photo A August 2014 23rd Wendy Heaney has also recognised herself in a Wallace Pub VE Day celebration photo 18th Maureen Bent has recognised herself and her brother in a Beresford Avenue VE Day Street Party photograph 12th More information for the Football team mystery photo from Jim Brown 9th Barbara Hancock recognised members of her family on this mystery portraits page and has photographs of her own to share July 2014 18th New forum 'member article' Hob Barn Cottages, Canley, by Robin Brooker 10th Janet Hanks recognised her family in the Beresford Avenue VE Day Street Party 4th Bug fixed for uploading profile images on the forum 2nd Improvements made to the image validation on the forum June 2014 9th List of known bad IP addresses now automatically update each day to help protect the forum May 2014 25th Another photo added to Julie Stevenson's collection of mystery portraits - this time at the G.E.C. 19th An update already for Julie Stevenson's mystery portraits 18th Some mystery portraits to unravel sent in by Julie Stevenson 17th Some new information provided for the 1918 Team photo mystery 14th Images on the forum can now be resized after posting April 2014 27th A response already for the Ladies from the G.E.C. in the Precinct photo mystery 26rd Updates to the VE Day Street Parties page after several good responses on the forum 26th Another photographic mystery to solve.... Ladies from the G.E.C. in the Precinct 23rd Large photos (like on the VE Day Street Parties page) now open in a panning viewer 23rd Another set of group photos to recognise - this time it's VE Day Street Parties in Keresley 17th Control Panel reorganised on the forum 6th And another person recognised in the ARP warden mystery group photo 8th Ron Critchlow's reminiscences added to Your Memories 6th Another person recognised in the ARP warden mystery group photo March 2014 23rd Forum member's article created to show The Blitz - My granddad's story 23rd A load of photos from Nancy Queally to solve in the Photo mysteries section 18th New admin feature on the forum to assist new members with posts 17th Some new smileys added to the forum 3rd Update on Coventry Cathedral and the Icelandic stained glass following a BBC TV programme 2nd Members can sign in using their email address as well as username on the forum February 2014 25th Entry of usernames now case-insensitive on the forum to help prevent failed logins 24th New history article about the moving of a Beech Tree in 1850 23rd Members are now required to contact moderators to request a new name for the Famous Coventrians 23rd "Contact moderators" button on the forum moved to prevent accidental usage 23rd Bug fix on forum admin feature to delete orphaned "edit locks" 23rd Bug fix on forum to correctly display online members 18th Sherbourne Viaduct engraved 'now and then' added 9th Posts on the forum are now locked during editing to prevent duplication and errors 2nd Text can now be saved for future retrieval on the Forum mail system 2nd Bug fix on the forum to try and prevent posts being "orphaned" from a topic January 2014 28th New admin feature on the forum for moving multiple posts 17th The memories of Ken Giles from the 1940s & 50s added ------------ ^ 2014 ^ ------------ 2013 ------------ December 2013 16th Numbering sequence added to members & posts on the Forum statistical charts 15th Interview with Matthew Duffy included on the About me page 14th Extra help for members trying to log into the Forum 12th Improvements to the Forum mail navigation 10th More consistent message ordering in the Forum mail system 3rd Improvements to the 'bad IP' list updating page for moderators & webmaster November 2013 22nd Quick Forum admin. mode links added to aid moderators 17th John Collins' second book The Coventry Kid Starts Work added to the site 12th John Collins' book A Coventry Kid's Tale now available to read on the site October 2013 27th Quick return link provided for Forum members navigating away to upload images, etc. 24th Easier process for Forum members who forget usernames or passwords 20th Posts on the Forum can now be temporarily saved while composing 18th Some little "member friendly" improvements to Forum to help newer members 11th Improvements to Forum admin. tools to speed up editing 8th Passwords encrypted for extra security on the Discussion Forum 8th Images separated from forum members' profile page to improve access speed 7th Improvement to location of topic categories in Forum admin September 2013 30th Updated photo added to the St. Anne's Charterhouse page 30th Another photo-mystery to solve - the Highbury Ladies Physical Culture Club 1920 27th The Girls' Life Brigade have been identified on the Holbrooks/Keresley mystery groups page 23rd Refinements made to the 1910, 1939 and 1955 "Time Machines" 16th The whole "Book reviews" section simplified and renamed "Local authors" 16th Further recollections about the Blitz from a police officer 13th Bug fixed on the Forum so parameters are passed on when viewing admin. edits 12th More consistent labelling applied across all street maps 8th Location of the Binley Oak added to the Edwin Brown, Victorian Animal Artist article 7th A photograph of an Edwin Brown painting in private ownership kindly submitted for the Victorian Animal Artist article August 2013 28th Logging into the Forum made easier for members having 'Caps lock' trouble! 28th Security for the Forum increased by banning known bad IP addresses 2nd 1750 reproduction map added to Old Map Scans July 2013 31st John Curran has provided two more names towards the completion of the class at Courthouse Green School 19th Non-signed in visitors can now use the forum search facility 11th Now shows the number of posts made since each member's last login on the forum index 1st Individual forum images can now be deleted by members from their profiles June 2013 30th The forum toolbar better organised by the use of a drop-down menu 30th Members can now choose from three sizes when uploading images to the forum 23rd New admin tool to allow copying of posts on the forum 6th And another contribution for the St. Joseph's Convent photo mystery May 2013 16th Another contribution for the Horse Drawn Outing photo mystery April 2013 9th New Admin tool for removing duplicate members from the forum 8th Someone recognised in the second Home Guard mystery group photo March 2013 1st Less intrusive transparent navigation arrows on the forum gallery February 2013 24th Images uploaded to the forum can now be given a new filename 24th Improvement to the Coventry street directory - return links now go direct to the original place in the list 22nd Additional button for sending mail to both members and moderators on the Forum 22nd A-Z topic finder for administration of the Forum 17th Launched new version of Mandy's website, which can be directly updated 17th Anne Williscroft has given us another photo mystery to solve - Motorcycling trophies? 17th Another snippet of information added to the 1953 Hippodrome postcard 7th Improved indexing for the forum members lists 5th The Coventry street directory now indicates when NEW items have been added, plus lists all latest additions 3rd Improvements to the way streets are added and edited on the Coventry street directory 2nd Streets can now be inter-linked on the Coventry street directory January 2013 26th Update for the "Rover factory steps?" mystery photograph 25th Anne Williscroft's 1896 Coventry business directory added to the Forum members' articles index 25th New index created for displaying Forum members' articles 22nd New Coventry street views directory added to collate our street images 6th Improvement to display and linking of "Chat posts" on the forum 3rd Update to the Commonwealth party mystery group photo ------------ ^ 2013 ^ ------------ 2012 ------------ December 2012 24th Spaces removed from all image filenames on the forum to aid HTML5 compatibility 23rd Extra administrative features for helping members with creating a forum gallery 9th Trinity Street from Broadgate added as a new 'now and then' pairing 9th Two new pairs of 'now and then' photographs on the Warwick Row to Hertford St - Warwick Lane page 8th Updated Bull Yard 'Now and Then' photo on Steve's website November 2012 23rd New posts now indicated for Non Coventry topics 18th Non Coventry category created for off-topic chat on the forum 13th Mavis Monk shares her memories of Viewing the Blitz from Birmingham 3rd Another 'now and then' for Steve's website - Trinity Street & Timothy White's October 2012 31st New 'now and then' added to Steve's website - Lychgate Cottages, Trinity Church & the old Campanile 31st Updated Blue Coat School 'now and then' on Steve's website 31st Updated the Broadgate viewed from Holy Trinity Church 'now and then' on Historic Coventry 31st New 'now and then' added to Steve's website - Broadgate viewed from Holy Trinity Church 14th New page of Group photos from the Holbrooks/Keresley area to identify 4th Eunice Ward and her friend Bernita Watson share more memories of Courthouse Green School 4th Another contribution to the Horse Drawn Outing photo mystery 2nd Corrections and improvements to various streets on the street finder 1st Corrections to the St. Patrick's Road area on all street maps from 1900 September 2012 27th New "now and then" - Broadgate from Hertford Street 24th New article about Edwin Brown, Victorian Animal Artist by Stephen Catton 18th 'Historic Coventry Prints' converted to 'HTML5' 17th Historic Coventry Forum converted to 'HTML5' 15th Historic Coventry website converted to 'HTML5' 14th Family website converted to 'HTML5' 11th Steve's and Mandy's websites converted to 'HTML5' 10th Updated 2012 photo of Trinity Street for the Butcher Row now & then page 6th Yvonne Litten shares more memories of Courthouse Green School with us August 2012 30th All forum Post and Gallery images can now be edited retrospectively 29th Image colour adjustment added to image editing on the forum 24th All uploaded forum or gallery images can now be downloaded to the member's computer from their profile page 24th Edited uploaded images can now be downloaded to the member's computer 24th Histogram added to aid forum image editing 21st Contrast and brightness adjustment added to image editing on the forum 19th Image editing introduced for forum post uploads 2nd Duplicate members now more easily traced and deleted through IP checking 1st Rogue IP addresses can now be banned on the forum July 2012 29th Members' gallery images now graphically displayed on the Forum profile page 22nd New information for the Football team mystery photo 19th Forum searches improved - clicking the title now jumps straight to that actual post 17th National flags now displayed on the Forum member lists (Thanks Tony!) 16th Pie charts on the statistics page show members' computer and browser details 9th The number of comments can now be seen on the member gallery index 7th Multiple images can now be uploaded simultaneously to the Forum Gallery June 2012 26th Mails can now be archived in the Forum mail system 25th More Mosquito and wartime memories in the mystery photos section 23rd Auto tags now added after moderator actions on the Forum 23rd Text-entry boxes on the Forum made "variable width" and a more rounded text-font used 17th Brian Stansfield shares his memories of the Gosford Green Bandstand 11th Members' images now graphically displayed on the Forum profile page 5th Success for one of the mystery wartime photos 4th Bug fixes to allow independent sorting or forum posts and topic indexes 4th Further search improvement to highlight matched search terms 4th Searches improved on the Discussion Forum to allow separate searching in messages or topic titles 3rd Image uploading made easier by making verification word case-insensitive May 2012 31st Forum registration improved - registrants who forget usernames are presented with possible matches to avoid duplicates 21st Various small Forum Gallery improvements 20th Bugs fixed on page navigation due to the new Forum Topic categories 18th Topic sorted into categories on the Discussion Forum April 2012 8th Location given for the Where is Lena Conway? photo mystery 27th Long description field added to the Famous Coventrians list and editing made easier 19th Slight tweak of Home Page 13th Added photos of the ancient stalls inside the Old Grammar School 9th Improved member editing facilities for moderators on the Forum 3rd Alphabetical links included to aid navigation of forum member list March 2012 24th Bibliography sorting improved to ignore the leading "The, "A" or "An" in book titles 22nd Forum title & layout editing improvements 19th St. Anne's Charterhouse added to the Historic Tour 12th Prev-next buttons added to enhance the Forum mail system 9th Personal mail system added to the forum 4th Another mystery photo - a girls' team from 1918 to recognise 2nd 1963 aerial photograph added to Old Map Scans February 2012 26th 1610 John Speed map added to Old Map Scans 26th Poem 'The Coventry I Remember' added to the Blitz section 20th 1949 O.S. scans of Coventry, Rugby, Warwick & Leamington added to Old Map Scans 19th Lesleigh Kardolus shares her ancestral photos and memories with us 18th The Old Map Scans can now be zoomed out for quicker navigation 18th The Old Map Scans can now be scaled to fit various screen sizes 18th 1914 Coventry Centre Traffic Plan added to Old Map Scans 16th 1926 Wyken-Walsgrave map added to Old Map Scans 15th 1936 Coventry street plan and 1926 Stoke-Binley maps added to the Old Map Scans section 14th The first scan of (hopefully many) 'panning and zooming' Old Map Scans - starting with 1954 Coventry street map 13th Bibliography improved to include full search and sorting in any order on any column 9th Another mystery - identify the children in this photo 7th Two more mystery photos containing children to identify outside the Munitions Cottages 7th More information added to Munitions Cottages postcard feature 5th Another article by Simon Shaw - 'Miss Bashford' - a teacher's tale January 2012 22nd Graham Owen recognises his grandfather in the Herbert Chapman's Football Teams photo mystery 20th Corrected various errors and added some data to the list of Coventry Pubs in 1912 12th Small update made about the Rex cinema on the Blitz 'myths' page 12th Ormand Lucas has added some memories to the Courthouse Green School page 10th Member's total posts now displayed by each message on the Forum 7th Another pair of mystery photos from WWII to identify 1st Famous Coventrians database created for forum members to compile a definitive list ------------ ^ 2012 ^ ------------
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