n attempt to list all the shows ever performed at our Hippodromes, beginning with the temporary circus buildings, which from 1884 were specially erected on Pool Meadow for each visit - then, in 1903, to the first permanent, but short-lived, 'Tin' Hippodrome on the Priory Street side of Pool Meadow facing the old Swimming Baths. The popularity of these shows created the demand for a theatre worthy of our city, and so in 1906 began the construction in Hales Street, next to Swanswell Gate, of what we now regard as the Old Hippodrome.
Again, the success of this theatre meant that barely three decades later a greater capacity was required, and so we come to our lovely art-deco New Hippodrome in Hales Street, once known as the Showplace of the Midlands. Opening on the 1st November 1937, it was renamed Coventry Theatre in 1955, then from 1979 became The Apollo, giving its final performance in June 1985. After a short spell as a bingo hall it was eventually realised that such a building could not be put to any practical use, so, sadly, it was demolished in 2002. If anyone still has any tickets or programmes and would like to see them used to illustrate a show, please contact me.
1884 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985
1916 | Old Hippodrome, Hales Street | ||
Date(s) | Show | Notes | Images |
Mon 3rd Jan until Sat 8th Jan 1916 | Wait and See | 'Up-to-date revuesical comedy'. Plus, The Three Edivictas, Peter, Peggy & Pearl, Barlow and Brookes, and more. | |
Mon 10th Jan until Sat 15th Jan 1916 | Search Me | Romance starring Jack Edge. Plus, Darty and Partner, Roselle and Clifford, and more. | |
Mon 17th Jan until Sat 22nd Jan 1916 | Venus, Ltd. | Starring Jennie Benson and Eric Randolph. Plus, Zellini, Jack Rokeby, and the latest War Films. | |
Mon 24th Jan until Sat 29th Jan 1916 | S'Nice | Revue starring Eva Kelland. Plus, Mrs. Lucille Benstead, Hall and Turn, and others. | |
Mon 31st Jan until Sat 5th Feb 1916 | High Explosives | 'Musical revuesical laughlette' starring Robert Reilly. Plus, Arthur Lloyd, Ronald George, and latest War Films. | |
Mon 7th Feb until Sat 12th Feb 1916 | Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp | Starring Mabel Hind as Aladdin, and Fred Hutchings, the Bros. Valdo, and many more. | |
Mon 14th Feb until Sat 19th Feb 1916 | Dick Whittington | With special star company or artistes and full London chorus. | |
Mon 21st Feb until Sat 26th Feb 1916 | Ernest Shand | Comedian. Plus, Stanelli & Carrodis, Beaumont Collins, Agustin and Hartley, the Six Musical Longshoremen, and more. | |
Mon 28th Feb until Sat 4th Mar 1916 | Have a Guess | Starring Jack Shires and large cast. Plus, Belle Davis, and Tom Cullen. | |
Mon 6th Mar until Sat 11th Mar 1916 | Mad Dog | Burlesque (Monday to Wednesday), then 'Unsealed Orders' (Thursday to Saturday), starring the Six Brothers Luck. Plus many others. | |
Mon 13th Mar until Sat 18th Mar 1916 | G. H. Elliott | The original chocolate coloured c**n. Plus, John McNally in comedy 'The Borstal Boy', and many others. | |
Mon 20th Mar until Sat 25th Mar 1916 | Step This Way | Musical comedy starring Elven Hedges. Plus, Conway George, Tom E. Roma, and more. | |
Mon 27th Mar until Sat 1st Apr 1916 | Brides | Burlesque review starring Edgar Driver and Billie Bell. Plus, the Soho Trio, Sam Hilton, and more. | |
Mon 3rd Apr until Sat 8th Apr 1916 | L'Incognita | The phenomenal soprano. Plus, comedy 'The Crazy Sailors', Lloyd Morgan, The Whittakers, and others. | |
Mon 10th Apr until Sat 15th Apr 1916 | Ernie Mayne | 'The simple one'. Plus, Charlene & Charlene, Frank Lynne, Molly Wells, Nellie Boden, The Bradshaws, and more. | |
Mon 17th Apr until Sat 22nd Apr 1916 | The Case of Johnny Walker | With a West-End London company. Plus, Sammy Shields, Prof. Duncan's Royal Scotch Collies, Robb Wilton, and many others. | |
Mon 24th Apr until Sat 29th Apr 1916 | Liane D'Eve | A typical daughter of France. Plus, George D'Albert, Ragolio, George Ross, the Charley Meteor Trio, and more. | |
Mon 1st May until Sat 6th May 1916 | Jay Laurier | Rustic comedian. Plus, Ina Hill, the 4 Lesters, Russian Cossacks, Vera Rejane, The Holsons, and more. | |
Mon 8th May until Sat 13th May 1916 | Splash Me! | In 20,000 gallons of water. Plus, Nicol and Martin, Irish Strollers, Jack Walsh, and others. | |
Mon 15th May until Sat 20th May 1916 | This Is The Life | Comical extravaganza. Plus, Rosa Rivers, Tom Purslow, Nicol and Martin, and more. | |
Mon 22nd May until Sat 27th May 1916 | Cheer Up! | Revue starring Veronica Brady and Barry Leighton. Plus, Sam Elton, Zona and Milroy, Eric Clifford, and more. | |
Mon 29th May until Sat 3rd Jun 1916 | Don't Crush | Record breaking revue starring Jack Gallagher. Plus, Jack Lorimer, the Maine Trio, Stella Stahl, and others. | |
Mon 5th Jun until Sat 10th Jun 1916 | Cupid's Club | Burlesque starring Miss Daisy Griff and Fred Hutchings. Plus, the Brooklyn Comedy 4, Gladys and Alber, and more. | |
Mon 12th Jun until Sat 17th Jun 1916 | Fine Feathers | Revue starring Harry Roxbury. Plus, Ristori, Caryll and Hyde, Charles Mildare, and more. | |
Mon 19th Jun until Sat 24th Jun 1916 | Frank Van Hoven | The American 'dippy' mad magician. Plus, play 'Too Late', Will Collinson, Walter Wade, and many more. | |
Mon 26th Jun until Sat 1st Jul 1916 | Pardon Me! | Comedy starring James A. Jewel. Plus, Ben Albert, Alice Gill, George Mack and Co., and much more. | |
Mon 3rd Jul until Sat 8th Jul 1916 | Kisses | Starring comedian Albert Bruno and a large company. Plus, Thornley-Dodge, The Lightning Vinettos, and latest War Films. | |
Mon 10th Jul until Sat 15th Jul 1916 | Peaches | Musical burlesque featuring Ralph Lynn. Plus, Ermakov the Russian Cossack, Emmelyn Walter, and others. | |
Mon 17th Jul until Sat 22nd Jul 1916 | Jingle Bells | Burlesque starring Sydney De Vries and Jean Allistone. Plus, Vere & Nelldon, Alec Edison, and more. | |
Mon 24th Jul until Sat 29th Jul 1916 | Beauties | Burlesque including Harry Cole and Eric Masters. Plus, the 3 Kellinos, the Bennett Twins, and Doriswami. | |
Mon 31st Jul until Sat 5th Aug 1916 | The Radium Girl | Starring Alva York and Syd Howard. Plus, Miss May Henderson, Elise and Foy, and latest War Films. | |
Mon 7th Aug until Sat 12th Aug 1916 | Love Birds | Revue starring Jennie Hartley and Hal Bert. Plus, Dan Whitley, the Claymore Trio, and more. | |
Mon 14th Aug until Sat 19th Aug 1916 | The Lady Barbers | Starring comedian Bob Stevens. Plus, Duncan and Godfrey, Jack Warman, the O'Gorman Brothers, Alexander Prince, and more. | |
Mon 21st Aug until Sat 26th Aug 1916 | Some Treasure | Starring Billy Lytton. Plus, Alfredo, Connie Browning, Ford and Lewis, and more. | |
Mon 28th Aug until Sat 2nd Sep 1916 | Mark Sheridan | Comedian. Plus, the Royal Bartle Quartette, Bessie Butt, Ivor Vinter, Leolin, and many others. | |
Mon 4th Sep until Sat 9th Sep 1916 | Great Carmo | In his one man review. Plus, the 2 Cures, Whidden and Kuming, Azella Wilson, the Lady Shoeblacks, and more. | |
Mon 11th Sep until Sat 16th Sep 1916 | Goldman Ltd. | Musical comedy starring Sam Springson. Plus, the 7 Bramusas, Wullie Durkin, and more. | |
Mon 18th Sep until Sat 23rd Sep 1916 | Sugar & Spice | A 'sweetstuff burlesque' starring Claire Romaine and Gilbert Childs. Plus, Nixon Grey, West and Tate, and others. | |
Mon 25th Sep until Sat 30th Sep 1916 | All French | Revue starring R. N. Cory and Cora Lingard. Plus, J. P. Ling, Wyllie, and Spacial War Films. | |
Mon 2nd Oct until Sat 7th Oct 1916 | Heave-O! | Musical comedy starring Miss Maie Ash and Charley Harvey. Plus, Joe and Willy, Harry Reynolds, and more. | |
Mon 9th Oct until Sat 14th Oct 1916 | Marie Kendall | Plus, The Marvellous Merrills, Johnson Clark, Kitty Stewart, picture 'War Office Test of Triumph Motor Cycles', and more. | |
Mon 16th Oct until Sat 21st Oct 1916 | All Women | Revue starring Lilly Long, Betty Balfour, Florence Smithers. Plus, La Belle Nello, Charles Stevens, and more. | |
Mon 23rd Oct until Sat 28th Oct 1916 | Knick Knacks | With West-End cast including George Hestor, Lily Bruce and Harry Ray. Plus, Warwick Pryce, and the Ernado Brothers. | |
Mon 30th Oct until Sat 4th Nov 1916 | The Famous Gothams | Comedy vocalists. Plus, Agda and Co., Mr Hymack, Violet Black and Co., Cranby and Adams, and others. | |
Mon 6th Nov until Sat 11th Nov 1916 | The Soldier And The Girl | Sketch starring Miss Maie Ash and Fred Allandale. Plus, Madame Wyndham & Co., The Enzers, and many others. | |
Mon 13th Nov until Sat 18th Nov 1916 | Ernie Lotinga | Performs a comedy sketch 'Jimmy Josser, K. C.'. Plus, Wireless Airship, Johnson and Bert, The Kavanaghs, and much more. | |
Mon 20th Nov until Sat 25th Nov 1916 | The Great Morritt | The mystery man. Plus, Will Hay, Arthur White, Cassie Walmer, 'Symphonia', and others. | |
Mon 27th Nov until Sat 2nd Dec 1916 | Good Evening | Vaudeville comedy starring Tom Drew and Mona Vivian. Plus, the Three Morrellys, josie Archer, and others. | |
Mon 4th Dec until Sat 9th Dec 1916 | Morny Cash | The Lancashire Lad. Plus, Miss Edna Latonne, noblett, Muzuz and Mazette, the 5 Dukes, and more. | |
Mon 11th Dec until Sat 16th Dec 1916 | All Right | Revue starring Tom Nelson, Madge Brownie and Ragard. Plus, The 3 Neslos, and Miss Lucille Benstead. | |
Mon 18th Dec until Sat 23rd Dec 1916 | Phil Ray | The abbreviating comedian. Plus, Park's Eton Boys, Linga-Singh, Carson and Bryan, Woodward and Page, and more. | |
Tue 26th Dec until Sat 30th Dec 1916 | Darlings | All-Star cast including Baroness D'Astreel, George Gee and Syd Cooke. Plus, the Yamamoto & Koyoshi Troupe, and Greenan and Poole. |
Prev year: 1915Showing 1916Next year: 1917
1884 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985
Also of interest might be A short history of Coventry's Theatres and Cinemas, by Bill Birch.
Website by Rob Orland © 2002 to 2025
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