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1. The Art School, Ford Street, remembered by Liz Bayly
2. Schoolday memories of Pauline Bearcock
3. Little Park Street & Spon Street, by Mick Billings
4. Memoirs of Stoneleigh Abbey, by Catherine Binns
5. Birch family war-time memories and the next generation, by Wendy Lloyd
6. Hillfields memories from the 1930s & 40s, by Jerry Bird
7. Bombers over our Radford Streets, by Jerry Bird
8. Voyage on the Queen Mary with Cecilia Cargill
9. Schoolboy fun around town with Patrick Casey
10. Dunlop Rugby Union Club, by Lorraine Clarke
11. Pre-war memories of Norman Cohen
12. Remembering Courthouse Green School, by Robert Coles
13. The Life of Riley, by Ron Critchlow
14. Wartime memories of Wyken, by Alan Edgson
15. Boyhood Memories of Peter Ellis
16. From boyhood to young adult, by Peter Ellis
17. War and Workplace memories of Mike Fitzpatrick
18. 1974 Telephone Exchange bombing, a personal recollection by John Fuery
19. 1940s & 50s remembered, by Ken Giles
20. World War Two memories of James Hill
21. A selection of 1940s and 50s memories, by Rod Joyce
22. Pictures of a Coventry ancestry, by Lesleigh Kardolus
23. Innocence, by John Lane
24. A plane crash over Exhall, by John Lane
25. Post-War memories of Keith Longmore
26. Growing up in Willenhall, by Josie Lisowski-Love
27. Coventry Zoo and the Hippo attack, by Paul Maddocks
28. The thoughts of a younger Coventrian, by Paul Martin
29. Growing up in Hillfields, by Jan Mayo
30. Winter before central-heating in Hillfields, by Jan Mayo
31. Viewing the Blitz from Birmingham, by Mavis Monk
32. Family memories of Eric Over
33. Early working days of Barry Page
34. Band life with Derick Parsons
35. Brian Porter, A Coventry Kid
36. Experiences of the Coventry Blitz, by Joan Powell
37. War-time memories of Brian Richards
38. War-time memories of Jeanne Richards
39. Coventry Remembered, by Andrew Ross
40. The Coventry outings of Brian Rowstron & family
41. Time Gentlemen Please! - Jo Shepherd's Family
42. The life experiences of Mike Spellacy
43. Humber Works photographs of Peter Thacker
44. Early Coventry memories of Lizzie Tomlinson
45. Post-war decades remembered, by Mike Tyzack
46. Fireman Frank Walduck, remembered by Peter Walduck
47. Early memories of Coventry, by Muriel Wells
48. Family memories of Burt West
49. A Childhood in Stoke, by Graham Whitehead

Post-war decades remembered, by Mike Tyzack

I moved to Coventry with my parents and sister in 1946 at the age of 3. We lived in Arnold Avenue near the corner of Woodcock Avenue in Styvechale. Half way down Woodcock Avenue was a bomb crater. The road was soon renamed Dawlish Drive but the crater wasn't filled in for many years.

At Christmas we used to go out with our dad to find a suitable holly bush growing wild near the marshes of Fenside which he would cut for a Christmas tree.

We had gas lamps in our road. When we were young we liked to watch the lamps come on gradually at dusk.

One of my early memories of the centre of Coventry was a store at the bottom of Trinity Street on the left hand side going down just past Sainsburys. It had a centralised cashier with a series of wires running from each assistant's counter. The assistant would take your money from your purchase, put it in a tin with the bill, and send it on the wire to the cashier. A few minutes later your change and receipt would arrive back the same way.

Trinity Street in 1962
Trinity Street in July 1962, just before it became one-way. Notice the practice of parking in the middle of the road.

On Saturday mornings our mother took us to town shopping. We always liked to go on the roundabout which was on a bit of waste ground somewhere near West Orchard.

In 1954 I started at Bablake, so used to travel through the city centre every day. I caught the bus to Broadgate and then walked down Smithford Street as it was being transformed into The Precinct.

Later that year the new Owen Owen store opened. I think it was the first store in Coventry with escalators, so as 11 year-olds we had great fun walking up the down escalator.

My father worked for Matterson, Huxley & Watson in the Grates & Ranges department, which moved to an old building called the ML building which was accessed from the Burges but which was set well back towards Corporation Street.

In the summer a lot of us teenagers used to meet in the Memorial Park. Some were Teddy Boys. I remember Billy Walker and Tone Shortland, who everyone seemed to know.

I was in the 40th Coventry cubs at St. James' Styvechale. Every year in the summer we joined with all the Scouts, Guides and Brownies for a church parade in the cathedral. It seemed strange to me to be sitting on the grass inside a cathedral.

The Locarno in the 1960s
In 1960 the Locarno ballroom opened so I thought I needed dancing lessons. I went to the Balalaika dance studio run by Janet Ball. This was over shops in the Lower Precinct near the Coop. There I learned the waltz, quickstep and Madison.

In 1959 I started going to jazz clubs:

There was The Weary City Jazz Club at The Mercer's Arms in Highfield Rd. They had visiting bands including Chris Barber and his band.

There was the Monday night club at The Pilot in Radford. The bar closed at 10pm during the interval. We had to drink up by 10 past. The band didn't start again until we had done so. It ended at 11pm in time for the last bus.

On Sunday there was a trad jazz club in the Leofric where I first saw the Back O' Town Syncopators from Scotland.

Also on Sundays there was a modern jazz club at the White Lion at the back of the Leofric. Whenever I went there I didn't tell my trad jazz friends.

There was another modern jazz venue - Yates Wine Lodge on the corner of The Burges and Corporation Street. I saw Tubby Hayes quintet there and also Phil Seaman.

On a Saturday morning a popular meeting place was Jill Hanson's record shop in Market Way.

In the evenings one of the places we met was the circular cafe in the Lower Precinct. The waitresses got very upset if you moved tables between ordering and receiving your coffee.

But I spent New Year's Eve 1959 in the El Cabana in Gosford Street. This was where they played the juke box illegally after 10pm, and people under 16 would smoke cigarettes. So to a 16 year-old like me it really felt like a den of iniquity. I stayed past midnight although I had to work on New Year's Day (as did most people).

Another coffee bar was the GiGi in Gosford Street, which I think was somewhere near the Paris cinema.

When I left school I went to work as a Clerical Officer at the Ministry of Pensions & National Insurance at 94 Gosford Street. The offices were in a former Morris car factory which had been condemned as unsafe for heavy machinery. It was a bleak place inside with painted brick walls, no curtains or carpets. On some winter days we had to work in coat and gloves as it was so cold.

I left there in 1963 and went to work in Birmingham. On 15th June 1964 I was driving back along the Meriden bypass when I saw a large cloud of smoke rising from the centre of Coventry. When I got home I discovered that the MPNI building was on fire. The fire had started at the back in the Ministry of Works (Supply division) where there were stored enough blankets for the whole of the city. The fire burned for several days.

Gosford Street, August Bank Holiday 1965
This photo shows the MPNI building in Gosford Street on August Bank Holiday 1965 after the fire damage had been cleared away.
Broadgate in July 1962
Broadgate - taken from the top of the cathedral spire in July 1962

Queens's Road 1962
This picture was taken from Queens's Road looking north in 1962 just before the Inner Ring Road was forced through. Queen Victoria Road is on the right. Notice that not all of us could afford to drive post-war cars.

Hertford Street on Boxing Day 1968
Hertford Street on Boxing Day 1968. All the shops were closed so there's very little traffic.

Coventry railway marshalling yard March 1970
This is the old railway marshalling yard in March 1970 taken from Spencer Park.

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Mike's photo mysteries....

And finally, Mike has presented us with some photographic puzzles to solve....

7th July 1962
7th July 1962. Can anyone work out what is being constructed here? Notice the temporary coach park. Notice also that most of the cars are British and most built in Coventry.

29th March 1970
Another mystery picture taken on 29th March 1970. A flyover of part of the new inner ring road is framed by an old iron bridge. Do you know where this was?

Were you right? See this page to find out if you recognised these places correctly.

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